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iPhone 15 Pro Portrait Right Mockup.png
iPhone 15 Pro Portrait Mockup2.png
iPhone 15 Pro Portrait Left Mockup3.png

Project Overview

Anima is a media streaming platform that aims to better its visual aesthetic to appeal to a more modern-day audience.

The following project represents a hypothetical academic exercise and does not reflect work endorsed by the representative brand.

Tools / Software

Figma, Miro

Project Type

UI  - Visual Design- Mobile Design - B2C

Problem Statement

What design ideas and implementations can be made to grab the attention of Animas' audience?

Design Approach

My Design approach started with the thought of "what are modern media platforms doing visually to appeal to their audience?". A competitor analysis would give valuable insight on "do's & don't" User surveys would also be the stepping stone in creating an interface design that its users would love.

User Survey Results

When surveying a wide range of users which consisted of women and men from ages 16-47, 67% of users felt that a minimalistic approach with dynamic secondary colors was the most visually pleasing. A consistent contrast between interface elements proved to be an important implementation to easily guide users on how to navigate different call-to-action buttons and features within the interface.

Compeetitive analysis

Easily navigable interfaces, utilizing card design to elevate proper information placement. Minimalistic approach with splashes of primary color assigned for CTA buttons.

Simplistic intuitive platform that grants easy accessibility and usability for most users due to proper white space and informational architecture. It is not as visually pleasing compared to other platforms.

A very nice in-between feel with the interface. A situation of the best of both worlds for great spacing and information architecture, while implementing striking visuals and contrast.

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Style Guide

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Minimalistic approach with striking visuals to appeal to modern UI trends. "Simple & effective"
Lowered menu bar for better accessibility amongst all users.
High contrast indication ring to intuitively make user selection easily noticeable.


UI/UX, it's more than meets the eye. As a designer, it is always fun to strategically design visually stunning interfaces for our users. Web designers see past the pretty colors and pictures. We push the boundaries of the design process to squeeze as many innovative, intuitive, user-centric interfaces with the utmost empathy for users.

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